emilianocapasso18 QuestionsAnswersReputations Asked a question IFC Line searchHello, is there any way to search for the ifc line number within bimvision? #622= IFCSLAB('1NybyjT$P7u8yXOciQeLaU',#41,'Floor:FL_BA_02_225mm_Generic:640569',$,'Floor:FL_BA_02_225mm_Generic',#585,#620,'640569',.FLOOR.); 30 September 2021 2 Asked a question Advanced Report: Object with Multiple Reference ClassificationHello, I've got a problem with the Advanced Report, we have multiple reference for the same classification system ie. Uniclass 2015. So some object has two reference like "Pr_.." and "Ss_..." on the advanced... 2 March 2020 2 Asked a question Filter for ClassificationHello, I'm really enjoying the classification grouping in the object viewer, but don't understand why is not possible to do a selection filter in the plugins like Advanced Reports or Object Filter, is... 19 June 2019 2 Asked a question Segments of a CylinderHello, we have a problem with cylinders and other curved surfaces/solids. the cylinder is giving us a "faceted" circumference. is there any way to change this? 14 November 2018 2 Registered 14 November 2018 10